Category: Uncategorized

How Online Voting Can Be Just as Secure as In-Person

In our technological age, more organizations than ever are moving to an online voting model. When people hear about the concept for the first time, their first question tends to be one about security. The answer to those concerns is actually very simple: online voting can be just as secure as tradition in-person voting. With… Read more »

Data on 191M American Voters Exposed Online

Data on 191M American Voters Exposed Online

A security researcher has recently discovered an online database that houses the illegally posted voting records of more than 191 million Americans. The information posted on the database includes the names, phone numbers, home addresses, dates of birth and voting records of these individuals tracing back as far as 2000. The database, fortunately, does not… Read more »

Significant Presidential Elections

Significant Presidential Elections

Presidential elections have always had major significance in our society. But there are certain elections that stand out as unique; either with the victor, the way he got elected, or by some other situation which creates a type of particular significance in American history. In 1800, the entire process of the Electoral College was changed… Read more »

How To Increase Voter Turnout

One thing that is surprisingly very easy to forget when you are planning a poll is the fact that you need as many voters as possible in order to make the election or the ballot successful! It’s easy to get caught up in other logistics – such as where you will hold the event, who… Read more »

The Best Four Roosevelt Reads

Mornings on Horseback: The Story of an Extraordinary Family, a Vanished Way of Life and the Unique Child Who Became Theodore Roosevelt David McCullough’s biography is a unique and exceptional account of Theodore Roosevelt’s early years. Even if you have read previous accounts of his Presidency and success, Roosevelt’s rise to fame is equally as… Read more »

History of Voting in America

  Voting has evolved in many ways throughout American History. From the very first colonists at Jamestown, to women’s voting rights, the election system has changed quite a bit! The First Vote: One of the very first actions taken by colonists in their New World was to institute leaders by way of elections. After escaping… Read more »


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