How to Conduct Company-Wide Surveys

Conducting Company-wide Surveys With Online Voting

Conducting Company-wide Surveys With Online VotingCompany-wide surveys are necessary for getting perspectives from work staff for implementing changes to the work place, policies, clients, etc. In order to maintain a positive work environment, surveys give employees a chance to discreetly express their opinions and vote on the issues that affect their job.

Why Have Company-Wide Surveys?

Even the largest and wealthiest of companies rely heavily on the opinions of their work crew, seeing as how they are the ones to keep the operation running day in and day out. Surveys are great for gauging how others feel and perceive changes as well as determining what the majority vote is or is going to be.

Traditional Surveys

How a survey is conducted depends on various factors, but most commonly a company-wide email might be sent out or slips with check boxes are placed into mailboxes. There will probably be a date for which the survey needs to be returned. While this method is perfectly fine, how can you guarantee all employees not only got the email/paper and are they going to find the time during the work day to complete?

Online Survey and Voting

By creating a platform that is easy to locate and easy to understand, you are giving your employees the most convenient opportunity to complete a survey. Online surveys can be quicker and more discreet. Plus, once a survey is complete it is submitted to the same place as everyone else’s, eliminating the chance of missing surveys.

If this solution to be a good fit for your company, contact Honest Ballot today. We can work with you to setup an online survey and voting process that will be much more efficient and useful to not only you, but to your employees as well.