How To Increase Voter Turnout

increasing voter turnout

One thing that is surprisingly very easy to forget when you are planning a poll is the fact that you need as many voters as possible in order to make the election or the ballot successful! It’s easy to get caught up in other logistics – such as where you will hold the event, who will be working it, etc. Voter turnout sometimes gets forgotten until the moment that voters arrive. We have a few tips in mind in order to increase voter turnout, and therefore make your process more worthwhile and accurate.


Keep It Simple

The most important thing to keep in mind is that you must keep the voting process simple and intuitive for your voters. If you have a complicated setup or process, it is much less likely that those who show up to vote will be pleased with the overall process. They’ll be less likely to show up for future voting events.


Location & Time

Host your election in an area that is relatively easy to access. Choosing locations that have poor parking options or heavy traffic might deter voters from showing up. The location should also be large enough to actually hold the amount of people you are hoping to see at the event. Make sure your town or city will not be performing construction in the area that you are planning to host the event. Keep the time later in the day or on weekends when most people are done with work. If you can, expand the time that voting is available. Allow those who work odd hours or stay at home to come earlier in the day before the crowds while those who work a 9-5 arrive later in the night.


Use Social Media & Traditional Marketing

In this day and age, social media is also very important for promotion—and you should begin to promote early and consistently. Get in contact with the local news stations and papers so that they are able to broadcast your election details. If possible, try and get the local paper to publish a story about the election on the front page. If it’s an important vote, chances are you will be able to get a great spot in the paper.


Use Statistics

Behind the scenes, it is also important for you to use data to your advantage. Use published reports and statistics to figure out what days and times are most popular for voting and design your campaign around those days and times. Also, analyze your results from every year in order to make positive changes for the next time you need to run a vote.