How to Market a Political Candidate

How to Market a Political Candidate

A large part of a political campaign is marketing. You need to properly market your political candidate to ensure that people know who they are and what they stand for. Marketing a political candidate can help boost voter turnout and encourage swing voters to cast their ballot for your candidate. Here’s how to start: Create… Read more »

What to Do After an Election

Post-Election: What Can You Do?

The time leading up to and during an election can be stressful for anyone. But what about after the election is over with? While often over-looked, post-election time has very important responsibilities, just like prior to casting the vote. Announce the results First, you want to announce the election results. If you are having an… Read more »

Incentives for Voting: Does It Work?

Incentives for Voting

With voter turnout on a steady decline, lawmakers and city officials all over the United States are looking for ways to voters to get to the polls and cast their votes. One option that many cities and states are considering are incentives. In Los Angeles, the Ethics Commission is asking the City Council to think… Read more »

Voter Apathy: Why Don’t People Vote?

Voter Apathy

In the 2020 election, roughly 66.7 percent of the U.S. voting population voted, more than any in U.S. history. Nevertheless, voter turnout has been a consistent problem in U.S. elections. This is especially the case in local and midterm elections, which face dismally poor voter turnout as compared to presidential election years. So, why don’t… Read more »

What Is Cybersecurity?

What Is Cybersecurity?

In the past decade, more and more of our daily lives are spent on electronic devices. Even the way we vote is done electronically. But when so much sensitive information is digitally stored and transferred, how do we know if that information is safe? That’s where cybersecurity comes in. The 2020 election put cybersecurity at… Read more »

What to Bring (And Not Bring) to the Polls on Election Day

What to Bring (And Not Bring) To the Polls on Election Day

You’ve registered to vote, and you’ve found your polling place, but what happens once you get there? For first-time voters, Election Day can be a confusing process, and you may not be sure what you should or should not bring to your polling place. While each state is different, we’ve put together an overview of… Read more »

4 Things to Do Before Election Day

4 Things to Do Before Election Day

The election is quickly approaching, which means it’s time to prepare yourself for entering the voting booth. Voting, even without the coronavirus, is a bit more complicated than simply walking into a polling place and filling out a ballot. Here is everything you need to do before Election Day: Register to Vote If you haven’t… Read more »

How to Use an Absentee Ballot

How to Use an Absentee Ballot

An absentee ballot is used when a voter is unable to physically visit a polling station. In normal times, a voter may use an absentee ballot because they’re traveling on Election Day, or they are temporarily living somewhere other than their state of residency. However, with the coronavirus, many states are turning to absentee ballots… Read more »

How to Research a Political Candidate

How to Research a Political Candidate

It’s Election Day, and you’re sitting in the voting booth, looking at all of the names on your ballot. Unsure of who any of these people are, you choose the ones that are members of your party, or you pick a name that sounds familiar. You then cast your ballot and walk away, hoping that… Read more »